How Meeting Adult Contacts Makes You A Better Lover
Right guys, let’s get to the root of the matter here, shall we? Let’s talk about how meeting adult contacts makes you a better lover. Do you really not think it’s going to happen? Do you really think you won’t learn anything along your journey of some of the hottest women you’ve ever set your eyes on, having the most exhilarating sexual experiences that will make your toes tingle, ticking off fantasy after fantasy from that sexual checklist you have going on in your head.
That’s how adult contacts can make you a better lover – these women will lead way for some of the most open-minded, exploring, exciting women in your lifetime. It would be a shame to let them all go to waste.
There are many reasons that can prove this point to you too. Just take a peek:
1 – It’s fun.
What’s not fun about sex? What’s not to love about sex? Sex is one of the greatest pleasures known to man, why wouldn’t you want to do it more. Plus it just makes perfect sense to have more sex – practice makes perfect, so the more sex you have, the better a lover you will become.
2 – There’s no commitment.
No one likes those clingy girls and let’s face it, more of the normal girls end up being clingy and crazy at some point. Luckily for most of them it happens within a couple of weeks and you have a chance to get rid of them before it all gets just too much. That’s the good thing about meeting adult contacts though – there’s no commitment which is a plus point by itself… Plus it brings about all these little other plus points too!
3 – You’ll care less.
Right, as harsh as it sounds, but you’ll be less bothered about what someone thinks when you’re not entirely sure you’ll be seeing them again. At the very worst, you won’t have a great night and your ego will be dented slightly, but you’ll never need to face her again so it doesn’t really matter.
At the very best, you’ll be brave enough to ask for things that normally, you wouldn’t ask a girl you’re trying to date or impress, and you’ll be amazed at how many girls will actually want to do the things you want to do. It’s like a win-win situation. You get to do the things you’ve always dreamed of doing, and you get to have a whole load of fun as you do them.
4 – You’ll tick off some fantasies.
For the above reason alone, you’ll do things that you never actually thought you’d end up doing. I once asked this beautiful brunette girl with the biggest tits I’ve ever been blessed enough to try and cup in my hands, if I could have a threesome with her and a random girl we’d noticed and agreed was hot in the bar. She said yes, believe it or not. And so did the random girl we’d agreed was hot. I never saw either of them ever again but I can tell you this – I had a splendid night! 😉
There are so many reasons why meeting adult contacts and having casual sex with someone you have no emotional ties to will make you a much better lover. These are just a few of them. Why not have a read around or try it for yourself to find the rest? It’s so much fun when you dip your toes into this dating pool.